Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Toy Story

DOM: What’s the name of the female cowboy from Toy Story?

Me: You mean the cowgirl?

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Done With People

DOM: I just want to be home. Alone. In my bed. PETTING MY CAT!

Jolie’s Bad Belly

DOM: Jolie’s always complaining about her diverticulitis. That’s BS. She’s never dived a day in her life!

He’s Hangry

Tonight, Dom and I wanted to go to a vegan jazz and rib fest, but when we got there all the food was gone. 

We ended up at Melt downtown where we sat for 45 minutes for our food and never got it, so we left. 

We drove around and went to Aladdin’s where there was a festival in the middle of the road, and that’s when Dom lost it:

DOM: I’m about 10 seconds away from mowing over  small women and children!!


Me, driving with Dom through the short north: Trism... what the heck is that?

Dom, hearing Trison, not Trism: It’s where transgender people go to prison. 

(For the record, it’s a bar).

Friday, July 12, 2019

Legend in his Own Mind

Dom is seriously the best. What a dork. Life would suck without him. 

Tonight, he told me he wants his quotes printed on merch and sold at his funeral. 

DOM: I want this stuff printed on merch and sold at my funeral. It’s good stuff. 

“I’m an E-talian, not an I-talian. Now I’m a Dead-talian.”

Tooth brushing in Pittsburgh

While visiting my mom in Pittsburgh, Jake begins brushing his teeth. 

DOM: What’s that sound?

ME: It’s Jake brushing his teeth. 

DOM: With what, a chainsaw?!

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Fancy Straws

DOM (after trying to drink through the environmentally friendly, biodegradable straws at Eden Burger): 

These people and their straws! Just give me a suck hole!